Sunday 10 April 2011


The things I studied in the first 10 years of my schoollife have made huge impact on what I am today.
One of our lessons in Class 5, maybe, was "Pandora's Box". The story told time and again of Pandora who found the box full of troubles and pain and sadness. A take on the Fall of Man described in the Genesis, now that I think of it.
My favourite part of the story was the part where the Hope Fairy emerges out of the darkness as a bright light, a ray of hope :)
My life has led to situations most people haven't been in. Some because of my super-adventurous parents, some because of my bad decisions and others because life loves to take you to places where nobody has ever been before.
I've seen darkness. Some which was obvious, something everyone would have felt. The rest of the darkness was when I decided to shut the source of light stupidly.
Through all of this darkness, i've seen Hope. the fairy.
I'm one of those people who believe in Magic and fairies and miracles and other things cynics ignore. So for me to believe that a fairy (or someother direct message from the omnipotent) would come and take me out of the darkness, was much easier than believing that I will change my life myself.
Hope has been my motivation more often than anything else. I have a very active imagination. Hope lets me think of the amazing things that could happen in a future far away from the present static.
To say that one of the most important things in my life is hope, would not be wrong at all.

1 comment:

  1. amazing!makes you feel all nice after reading this.keep writing!!
